
 “ShoveAnyRiver” took more than a year to make moves up from micro team to main

It was in a Poker group at Discord that Portuguese Bruno “ShoveAnyRiver” Silva met a Cash Game team from Brazil that was opening its microstakes division with the possibility of moving up to the first team. Bruno was in a bad phase at the tables, not knowing what to do to improve and evolve his career, about to give up and so he thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

And it was.

Bruno joined Metagame Micro in October 2021 after years playing as a recreational regular. “I started playing poker in mid-2008, in these many years I learned some strategies and heuristics that, I do not say are wrong, but were outdated to the present day. When I entered the micro team, I had the opportunity to relearn how to play again, it was like doing a reset and starting from scratch”, said the player.

Earlier this month the long-awaited move up to the first team finally arrived and Bruno, who began his history in metagame playing NL5, arrived at Tier 3 playing NL50. For many it may seem that this moves up took a long time to happen. Even Bruno confessed that he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

“When they announced some moves up, I was always a little sad, not for my colleagues, but for not being me. Until my mindset changed. We are all different, we have different learning times, personal problems, availability, and when I understood this, I started to focus more on what was under my control, which was to learn something new every day, improve my game, fix old leaks, and try to evolve more every day, to be today a better player than yesterday. So, it may seem like I’m contradicting myself, but today I understand that it’s a good thing that this move up didn’t happen before, because it happened at the right time!” he said.

The player’s plans are audacious. “I want to sit at the same table as Zinhao and bluff him at 72!” he said with good laughs. But that’s because, according to him, the structure offered by the team makes it possible for this to become a reality.

“Metagame offers us the best study and learning tools, but I must emphasize that the methodology and content taught are the main differences. Here we not only learn to play, but no one also gives us a “magic formula” to follow. We learn to think about the game, and from there we’ve evolved more and more, gaining access to more advanced concepts as we move up the Tiers.”

Before Metagame Bruno played on other Cash Game teams. “I always thought it was important to be on a team. The game evolves a lot, and if we want to follow the field effectively, we must surround ourselves with people who know more than we do and who can steer us in the right direction. Time is a very precious thing that we have in our life, so if we can shorten the path and learn the right concepts at the right time, it makes a lot of difference”, concluded the player.

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