
Video Library - The Game Plan

Set of instructions on how to play each situation in the game. It is divided into different spots (SRP, IP, PFR, 3BP, OOP, PFR, etc.) and for each node of this spot, a strategy is pointed out to be followed, taking into account the deviations of the population (regs and fishes) in relation to the GTO. Also included in each part of the gameplan are MDA numbers along with board texture and size sequence information. All of this was created after hundreds of hours of data analysis.


The contact with other players helps in the construction and strengthening of an important value, the team spirit. Being in contact with people who have the same goal as yours is important for professional and personal growth. What may sometimes seem like a simple discussion of hands, can, at the same time, serve as motivation and support for those in need. The main function of a poker team is to offer technical learning that would be difficult to obtain alone, which allows for a much faster evolution.

Hybrid Methodology

Inside Metagame, we very much value the learning of solid strategies based on GTO, because we understand that it constitutes the basis of execution for a high level player. At the same time, we give importance to the fact that no one in practice plays close to theory, which allows for the development of exploitative strategies. For that, we utilize a totally scientific approach, in which we collect real data about human performance, compare it with what would be the unexploitable performance of the solver, and then finally develop counter-strategies capable of increasing our EV against those deviations.

Investment in Research

Investments in the business are constant, both in the technical and administrative aspects, with the aim of always offering the best environment, tools and support for our players and the development of their careers. That's why our community grows stronger every day, with solid values and a lot of knowledge shared by our instructors and analysts.